What Is a Limited Liability Company?


Meaning of a Limited Liability Company

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a flexible business structure that combines elements of a corporation and a partnership. It is a legal entity that separates the personal assets of its members from the company’s liabilities. It also provides owners, known as members, with limited liability protection while offering the benefits of pass-through taxation.

Advantages and disadvantages of LLCs

LLCs have a number of advantages and disadvantages which are summarily set out as follows:


  • Limited Liability: The primary advantage of an LLC is that members enjoy limited personal liability, meaning their personal assets are shielded from the company’s debts and legal obligations.
  • Pass-through taxation: LLCs avoid double taxation, as the company’s profits and losses pass through to the members, who report them on their individual tax returns.
  • Flexibility: LLCs offer flexibility in management structure, allowing members to choose between a member-managed or manager-managed model.
  • Simplicity: Compared to corporations, LLCs have less administrative burden and fewer formalities.


  • Self-Employment Taxes: Members of an LLC are subject to self-employment taxes on their share of the profits.
  • Limited Life Span: Some jurisdictions have restrictions on the longevity of LLCs, requiring dissolution after a certain period or upon the departure of a member.
  • Complexity in Certain States: Some states impose additional fees, paperwork, or compliance requirements on LLCs, increasing operational costs.
  • Lack of Uniformity: LLC laws vary across jurisdictions, making it essential to understand and comply with the specific regulations in each state.

Learn about the differences between C-corp and an LLC, you can also learn why you need to incorporate your LLC.

Naming Guidelines and Restrictions for an LLC

When selecting a name for the LLC the following considerations are instructive:

  • Availability: The name you choose must be unique and distinguishable from existing business entities registered in the same jurisdiction. Most states have online databases or name availability search tools where you can check the availability of your desired name.
  • LLC Designation: Your LLC name must include a proper designation to indicate its limited liability status. Commonly accepted designations include “Limited Liability Company,” “LLC,” or their respective abbreviations (“L.L.C.” or “Ltd. Liability Co.”).
  • Prohibited Terms: Certain terms may be prohibited or restricted, depending on the jurisdiction. These typically include terms that could be misleading or imply that the LLC is a different type of entity, such as “corporation” or “incorporated.” Additionally, words that suggest affiliation with government agencies, such as “FBI” or “Treasury,” may also be restricted.
  • Restricted Words: Some jurisdictions have a list of restricted words that require additional documentation or approval. These words may include terms like “bank,” “university,” “insurance,” or other regulated industries. You may need to demonstrate that your LLC’s activities are related to the restricted word or obtain special permissions.
  • Professional Services: If your LLC intends to provide professional services, such as legal, medical, or accounting services, you may need to comply with additional naming requirements. Some jurisdictions may require the use of specific terms, such as “Professional Limited Liability Company” (PLLC) or “Professional LLC” (PLLC).
  • Trade Name Registration: In some cases, if you plan to operate your business under a name that is different from the legal name of the LLC, you may need to register a “Doing Business As” (DBA) or trade name with the appropriate authorities.

Register your LLC at Norebase today and get started within 5-7 business days.

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